

Direct Plan and Improve指导计划和改进DPI  

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ITIL®4:指导、计划和改进是ITIL 4套件的一部分,它是IT和服务管理最广泛采用的指南的最新发展。它是为那些对ITIL 4指南具有基础知识并希望加深对基本原理和技术的了解的人而写的。

在ITIL 4的开发中,我们发现,尽管某些主题本质上是专家,但其他主题对所有从业者都是有价值的。无论组织角色如何,每个人都有权指挥某件事,即使该权力仅限于个人指导。需求至计划中的所有人。每个人都应该为改进点做出贡献,如果不是领先的话。


1.1        指导、计划和改进点为什么重要     



1.1.1 控制范围        

无论他们的角色是什么,本出版物中的指南均适用于任何人。要了解本指南适用于多种情况,重要的是要了解“ 控制范围”的概念。

ITIL 4 Direct,Plan and Improve is part of the ITIL4 suite, the latestevolution of the mostwidely adopted guidance for IT and servicemanagement. It was writtenfor those with a foundational knowledge of the ITIL4 guidance who want to develop their understanding of essential principlesand techniques.

Planning creates a shared understanding of how work will be organized and managed, allowing contributors to understand their roles,and to coordinate and collaborate efficiently and effectively.

Finally,improvement is a critical component of any successful organization. Identifying andacting upon improvement opportunities ensures that the organization will growand remain successful and competitive over time.

1.1.1       Scope of control  

The guidancein this publication is intended to be usefulto anyone, no matterwhat their roleis. To understand that this guidance is applicable in multiple contexts, it is important to understandthe concept of ‘scope of control’.

Everyone has a scope of control, which is distinctfrom their scope of influence. A corporate leader’sauthority is typically defined as part of theirrole and acknowledged by those aroundthem. An employee in anotherrole may have a scope of controllimited to a few direct reports.Others have scopes of control limited to themselvesandtheir own activities.

Regardless of their official scopeof control, everyonecan exert influence. The difference betweenwhat a person can controland what they would like to change indicates the need for creative influence. Even if the difference does not exist, it is oftenmore effective to influence and inspire cooperation, rather than commandit.

Vision and mission direction can be received from an organization’svision and mission statements.

ITIL4_指导计划和改进DPI 中文版【初译版】.pdf

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