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2        一般信息

2.1        目的和描述






2.2        术语和概念




About this document
This document provides practical guidance for supplier management practice. It is split into five main sections, covering:

●        general information about the practice
●        the practice’s processes and activities and their roles in the service value chain
●        the organizations and people involved in the practice
●        the information and technology supporting the practice
●        considerations for partners and suppliers for the practice

Selected content from this document is examinable as a part of the following syllabus:

●        ITIL Specialist Drive Stakeholder Value

Please refer to the syllabus document for details.

2        General information

Supplier management ensures effective use of third-party services by establishing a common approach to sourcing strategy and managing supplier relationships and by maintaining a single point of control over the active and planned supplier contracts and services.

The supplier management practice enables organizations to define strategies for the use of suppliers’ and partners’ services, to evaluate and select suppliers, and to ensure that consumed services meet or exceed agreed service levels, the cost of the consumed services is optimal, and associated risks are understood and controlled.

The sourcing strategy should support the overall organization’s strategy and define which of the organization’s resources should be created and managed internally and which may be obtained from and/or managed by third parties, and to what extent. It should also define the overall approach to managing third-party services; it can in turn be retained or delegated to a key supplier, or to a specialized service integrator. Policies and guidelines defined in the sourcing strategy have significant impact on the organization’s products and services, as well as on the organization’s structure and allocation of responsibilities. Regardless of the approach selected, no organization today is fully self-sufficient: every organization depends on third parties to some extent. Therefore, the supplier management practice is one of the key elements of overall success for the organization.

The supplier management practice ensures that the right supplier is evaluated and selected to deliver quality products and services that are aligned to the overall business objectives, essentially meeting the utility and warranty commitments. It ensures that suppliers enable the realization of the desired outcomes and meet or exceed the organization’s requirements for service and product quality, while minimizing the risks related to the delivery (in line with the overall risk appetite of the organization). Flexibility and agility are the key aspects of a modern organization and are also the key expectations from the suppliers.

The supplier management practice is used in close conjunction with other practices, including the relationship management, service level management, service financial management, risk management, and service configuration management practices.


An engagement with a new supplier usually starts with assessing what suppliers are in the market and approaching them with a request for information, a quote, a proposal, a bid, or a demonstration (RfX).

A relationship with a new or existing supplier is generally defined by the contract that the organization has with them.

The contract typically includes the service level agreement between the organization and supplier, covering the utility and warranty aspects of the services, terms and conditions, and payment schedules. It details the parties’ commitments, including responsibilities and deliverables, the parameters that are to be used to measure the supplier’s performance, and related reward or penalty attributes.

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Practice_Supplier management 供应商管理实践ITIL 4中文版【初译】.pdf

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上一篇:Practice_Infrastructure and platform management基础架构和平台管理实践
下一篇:Practice_Continual Improvement 持续改进实践ITIL 4中文版【初译】

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