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2.1        目的和描述        

●        适应变化的环境
●        改进的整体功能可以有效地交付和管理服务。适应失效和改进将导致价值服务的减少。
2.2        术语和概念        








●        利益相关者
●        赞助商
●        顾客
●        使用者
●        负责服务交付的角色/团队
●        生产和服务所有者
●        服务交付的供应商和合作伙伴。


●        创建了价值的用户和客户感知
●        价值链活动的效率和效果
●        服务治理的效果以及管理控件
●        组织及其合作伙伴与供应商网络之间的接口
●        产品和服务的需求。
●        收到反馈后,就可以对其进行分析,以识别和验证改进点的机会,风险或问题。

About this document        © 2020

This document provides practical guidance for the continual improvement practice. It is split into five main sections, covering:
●        general information about the practice
●        the practice’s processes and activities and their roles in the service value chain
●        the organizations and people involved in the practice
●        the information and technology supporting the practice
●        considerations for partners and suppliers for the practice.
Selected content from this document is examinable as a part of the following syllabuses:
●        ITIL Specialist Create, Deliver and Support
●        ITIL Specialist Direct, Plan and Improve
Please refer to the respective syllabus documents for details.

Continual Improvement ITIL®4 Practice Guide

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General information
2.1        PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION        

Key message
The purpose of the continual improvement practice is to align the organization’s practices and services with changing business needs through the ongoing improvement of products, services, practices, or any element involved in the management of products and services.
When a service provider adopts a practice to formalize, encourage, and manage improvement as part of its regular activities, it embarks on continual improvement.
The continual improvement practice enables service providers to adapt to changing business needs and maintain and increase the value generated by their service value system (SVS). Service providers should:
●        adapt to changing circumstances
●        improve their overall capabilities to deliver and manage services efficiently. Failure to adapt and improve will lead to a reduction in the value of services.
2.2        TERMS AND CONCEPTS        

Definition: Improvement
A deliberately introduced change that results in increased value for one or more stakeholders.

Almost every action taken in an organization can be seen as an improvement activity. Improvement means change; there cannot be a change to outcomes without changing the current state.

A vision may be a brief description of a future state, to which all parts of the organization and its value network are required to contribute. The vision focuses on the organization’s ambitions, but usually does not detail the ways in which these will be achieved.

All improvement initiatives need to cascade from the organizational vision. If any improvement is not contributing, even in a small way, to achieving this vision, the change is probably not necessary or useful.

Continual Improvement ITIL®4 Practice Guide

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© 2020

Definition: Business as usual
Typically, repeatable routine tasks that can be carried out by people with appropriate technical skills without needing to be managed as a project.

An example of business as usual (BAU) would be when modifications or enhancements need to be made to an existing product within a relatively short timescale. There would usually be a long list of these tasks arriving regularly throughout the lifespan of the product. There may be an established team dedicated to this work.

People throughout the organization should be encouraged to record ideas in the improvement register so that they can be assessed and actioned. Improvement is everybody’s responsibility, including:
●        stakeholders
●        sponsors
●        customers
●        users
●        roles/teams responsible for service delivery
●        product and service owners
●        suppliers and partners involved in service delivery.

Definition: Feedback loops
Part of the output of an activity that is used for new input. In a well-functioning organization, feedback is actively collected and processed along the value chain.

Well-constructed feedback mechanisms facilitate an understanding of:
●        end user and customer perception of value created
●        the efficiency and effectiveness of value chain activities
●        the effectiveness of service governance as well as management controls
●        the interfaces between the organization and its partner and supplier network
●        the demand for products and services.
●        Once received, feedback can be analysed to identify and validate improvement opportunities, risks, or issues.

本文档由长河(微信achotsao)在机译的基础上经初步整理而成,精细化翻译工作正由ITIL先锋论坛组织的ITIL专家团队进行之中,预计将于2020年年底之前全部完成。需要下载最终翻译版本请关注微信公众号:ITIL先锋论坛,或访问www.ITIL4hub.cn  or  www.ITILxf.com。

ITIL先锋论坛专家团队仅仅只是进行了这些著作的语种转换工作,我们并不拥有包括原著以及中文发行文件的任何版权,所有版权均为Axoles持有,读者在使用这些文件(含中文翻译版本)时需完全遵守Axoles 和 TSO所申明的所有版权要求。

Practice_Continual Improvement 持续改进实践ITIL 4中文版【初译】.pdf

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下一篇:Practice_Software development and management ITIL 4软件开发和管理 中文版【初译】

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OFGFE 发表于 2020-10-22 17:53:56
v5penger 发表于 2021-11-22 17:01:28
ITIL 4 持续改进管理
W尢Z乄厶Z丩i 发表于 2022-2-27 16:53:48
ITIL 4 持续改进管理