

Practice_Service Desk 服务台实践  

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表2.1 服务管理的尺寸及示例

服务管理的尺寸        服务台实践资源示例


信息和技术        专用信息系统,有时也称为服务台


合作伙伴和供应商        涉及第三方,在某些情况下为服务台
术语“ 服务台”可以表示各种类型和资源组。例如,在许多组织中,服务台被认为是职能或一个团队。与任何团队一样,服务台团队也可能参与活动的几种实践。这些可能包括服务台,事件管理,服务请求管理,问题管理,服务配置管理,关系管理惯例等。


2.2        术语和概念        
2.2.1        沟通渠道



“方便”的特点        说明


保证        各方应确保沟通渠道是真实的,安全的,并遵守适用的法规,政策和规定。





集成        服务提供程序通常使用多个渠道与用户通信。此外,服务交互中可能涉及多个其他系统。这些系统应该集成在一起,以减少或消除数据条目的重复并防止信息

可用性        各种界面都应清晰,直观,有用且职能型。



The purpose of the service desk practice is to capture demand for incident resolution and service requests. It should also be the entry point and single point of contact for the service provider for all users.

Note: In some organizations, the main purpose of the service desk practice is establishing an effective communication interface between a service provider and its users, with incidents and service requests being just two subjects of communication. In these organizations, the purpose of this practice could be: to establish an effective entry point and single point of contact with all users; to capture demand for incident resolution and service requests. Organizations can and should adjust the practice purpose statements and the other recommendations of ITIL according to their objectives and circumstances.

As with any practice, this practice addresses all four dimensions of service management.

Table 2.1 Dimension of service management with examples

Dimension of service management        Example of service desk practice resources

Organizations and people        
Dedicated team, sometimes known as service desk

Information and technology        Dedicated information system, sometimes known as service desk

Value streams and processes        
Workflows and procedures for communications with users

Partners and suppliers        Involved third parties, in some cases known as service desk
The term ‘service desk’ can refer to various types and groups of resources. For instance, in many organizations the service desk is recognized as a function or a team of people. As with any team, the service desk team may be involved in the activities of several practices. These may include service desk, incident management, service request management, problem management, service configuration management, relationship management practices, and others.

This practice guide describes the service desk practice. When other teams, software tools, or other processes are discussed, it is clearly indicated.

The service desk practice is involved in all value streams where the service provider communicates with users. It aims to ensure that these communications are effective and convenient for all parties involved.

2.2        TERMS AND CONCEPTS        
2.2.1        Communication channels
The service desk practice involves establishing effective and convenient communication channels between users and the service provider. Usually, there are multiple channels and a need for effective channel integration to provide seamless, convenient user experience.

Good communication channels allow users and the service provider to exchange information in a way that is convenient for all parties and ensures the quality of the information. In this context, the term ‘convenient’ includes the characteristics outlined in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Convenient characteristic of communication channels

‘Convenient’ characteristics        Explanation

Communication channels should be accessible. This may include language, format, and special features for any user who is impaired, visually or otherwise. Interfaces may require special applications and devices to access the communication channels, as
well as special skills.

Assurance        All parties should be assured that communication channels are genuine, secure, and comply with applicable regulations, policies, and rules.

Communication channels should be available where and when they are needed. Depending on the service, they may include mobile interfaces of various ranges (from organization-only to global coverage) and options for availability time (from only within
working hours to continuous).

Contextual intelligence        
Wherever possible, communication channels and relevant contextual information should be integrated. This information may include pre-populated contextual data, communication history,
user profiles, and so on.

Emotional alignment        
In some cases, communication channels are used to communicate emotions and feeling as well as factual data. When this is the case, the service provider should promote service empathy. This often requires a human interface, such as a phone call or face-to-face

Familiar communication channels can be more convenient than new, unfamiliar ones. Social media, forums, email, chats, and other communication channels may be effectively adapted for
contacts with the service provider.

Integration        Service providers often use multiple channels to communicate with users. Additionally, multiple other systems may be involved in service interactions. These systems should be integrated to reduce or eliminate duplication of data entry and to prevent information
loss (see the definition of omnichannel communications below).

Usability        Interfaces of all kinds should be clear, intuitive, helpful, and functional.

The characteristics outlined in Table 2.2 are similar to the characteristics usually used to assess and manage the quality of information, such as: availability, reliability, accessibility, timeliness, accuracy, and relevance. It is important to note that information quality can depend on communication quality; other information characteristics depend on the information sources and relevant parties.

Multiple channels are often used for communications between a service provider and its users. Multichannel communications may be convenient, but they can also introduce confusion if they are not integrated. The development of multichannel communications to provide seamless experience and information flow has led to omnichannel communications.
Definition: Omnichannel communications
Unified communications across multiple channels based on sharing information across the channels and providing a seamless communication experience.

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I.W 发表于 2022-4-26 18:05:17