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2.1        说明了实践的密钥活动。

图片2.1 服务级别管理实践的密钥活动

2.2        术语和概念








2.2.1        功用和功效

生产或服务提供的功能可满足特定需求。功用可以概括为“ 服务的功能”,并且可以用来确定服务是否为“ 符合目的”。要拥有功用,服务必须支持消费者的性能或绩效或

确保生产或服务将满足约定的要求。功效可以概括为“ 服务的性能”,并且可以用来确定服务是否“适合使用”。功效通常涉及与服务使用者的需求一致的服务级别。
这可能基于正式的协议,也可能是市场营销消息或品牌图像。功效通常解决诸如服务的可用性,其容量,安全的级别和连续性等领域。可以说服务提供了可接受的保证,或者说“ 功效”,如果


2.2.2        服务的财务可行性

●        服务消费的赞助商(定义为ITIL Foundation:ITIL 4版)要求服务消费者的服务的最优价格。
●        服务提供的赞助商(授权预算用于服务提供的角色)需要一个最佳

当内部服务提供者得到更广泛的组织的补贴时,供应和消耗的发起人或赞助人可以是IT 预算的所有者。当向外部消费者提供商业服务时,服务提供预算通常由服务提供者一侧的赞助商拥有,而服务消费的发起人或赞助人是消费者一侧的授权人。应该注意的是,尽管这些是发起人最常见的角色,但角色的其他组合也是可能的。


Key message
The purpose of the service level management practice is to set clear business-based targets for service levels, and to ensure that delivery of services is properly assessed, monitored, and
managed against these targets.

The service level management practice helps to set and manage a shared view of the quality of services between the service provider and the service consumer, aimed at all key stakeholders on both sides. This shared view is usually described in an agreement document, which may be written in various levels of formality. This applies to both the expected and actual service quality, from initial contact to the present, and covers service offerings and proposed value throughout the entirety of the service relationship. The service level management practice also includes monitoring and evaluation of the actual service quality and continual improvement of the services and agreements. Figure
2.1        illustrates the key activities of the practice.

Figure 2.1  Key activities of the service level management practice

Definition: Service quality
The totality of a service’s characteristics that are relevant to its ability to satisfy stated and
implied needs.

In order to manage the quality of services, organizations usually define metrics. These metrics provide a formal definition of the service level of a particular service.

Definition: Service level
One or more metrics that define expected or achieved service quality.

To define and manage the service level, it is common to agree on relevant metrics and target values, as well as the approach to the measurement, evaluation, reporting, and improvement of the achieved service level. This is usually completed with the use of service level agreements (SLAs).

Definition: Service level agreement
A documented agreement between a service provider and a customer that identifies both
services required and the expected level of service.

Note: An SLA can have a variety of forms and levels of formality, and the involvement of customers in its definition can also differ from case to case. In a wider sense, an SLA can be defined as:
A description of the target service level and the approach to its monitoring, measurement, and reporting, used by a service provider to monitor and manage the quality of its services.

It can also be called a public (or external) specification of a service level, as it is usually communicated to customers and users. This does not mean that customers are always involved in the definition of the service level. In the case of mass delivery and consumption, where services are delivered to thousands or millions of consumers in a pre- defined, outofthebox                                                                                          manner, customers usually have to either accept the service levels defined by the service provider, or not use the service at all.

In some instances, not all of the characteristics of service quality can be agreed upon, measured, and controlled in a formalized way. This means that the scope of the service level which is controlled is always smaller than the scope of the service quality it aims to formalize. Any aspects of the service quality that cannot be included in the service level can instead be supported through the collection of feedback. This adds a subjective perspective to validate the measured characteristics of the services. A combination of service level measurements and sufficient feedback from relevant stakeholders will provide a more holistic view of service quality and helps to define and co-create value for the service consumer. It also helps to prevent the so-called watermelon effect for service reporting, where all metrics look ‘green’ from the outside, while on the inside the consumer’s perception of the service is ‘red’.

To make sure that the service level management practice is focused on value, it is important to combine the definition and control of the measurable service level with the collection and analysis of relevant feedback. This becomes especially important when

customers have not been involved in the definition of the service level, as described in the note above.
2.2.1        Utility and warranty

Definition: Utility
The functionality offered by a product or service to meet a particular need. Utility can be summarized as ‘what the service does’ and can be used to determine whether a service is ‘fit for purpose’. To have utility, a service must either support the performance of the consumer or
remove constraints from the consumer. Many services do both.

Definition: Warranty
Assurance that a product or service will meet agreed requirements. Warranty can be summarized as ‘how the service performs’ and can be used to determine whether a service is ‘fit for use’. Warranty often relates to service levels aligned with the needs of service consumers.

This may be based on a formal agreement, or it may be a marketing message or brand image. Warranty typically addresses such areas as the availability of the service, its capacity, levels of security, and continuity. A service may be said to provide acceptable assurance, or ‘warranty’, if
all defined and agreed conditions are met.

It is possible to assume from the definition that the service quality (and service level) only refers to the warranty and warranty requirement. This is not the case. The management of service quality and service level should be holistic and focused on value. To this end, all relevant characteristics of a service should be managed, including associated metrics, areas of perception, and feedback. The habit of separating the management of functional and non-functional characteristics of services (from the definition of requirements to the evaluation of the quality that has been achieved) comes from the separation of the development and operations teams. The separation of these characteristics and teams typically leads to a fragmented and very formal understanding of service quality.
To summarize, service quality includes both the functional and non-functional characteristics of services and therefore so should the service level.

2.2.2        Financial viability of services
It is quite common to limit the formal liability of the service provider to the agreed service level, rather than the implied or expected service quality. However, a sustainable service relationship is only possible if the agreed service level is constantly achieved and, most importantly, customers and users are satisfied. This satisfaction is based on their service experience and includes both agreed and implied service quality. Because of this, service providers often aim to exceed the agreed service level to make sure that their

users and customers are satisfied. However, service provision is often budgeted based on the agreed service level, and extra efforts result in extra costs for the provider.
To maintain an effective service relationship, services should be financially viable for both service providers and service consumers. This is usually a key concern of sponsors:

●        Sponsors of service consumption (as defined in ITIL Foundation: ITIL 4 Edition) require an optimal price of the service for the service consumer.
●        Sponsors of service provision (a role authorizing budget for service provision) require an optimal
cost of service provision.
These roles can be performed by different people in different scenarios:

When internal service providers are subsidized by the wider organization, the sponsor of both the provision and the consumption can be the owner of the IT budget. When a commercial service is provided to external consumers, the service provision budget is typically owned by sponsors on the service provider’s side, and the sponsor of the service consumption is the person authorizing it on the consumer’s side. It should be noted that, although these are the most common roles of sponsors, other combinations of roles are also possible.

Regardless of the service relationship model, the service level management practice contributes to the financial viability of services by managing customers’ and users’ expectations and agreeing on service levels that satisfy the requirements of sponsors. It also supports service design and budgeting, with information on the expected gap between the agreed service level and the expected service quality, and on any need for a dedicated budget to address this gap.

本文档由长河(微信achotsao)在机译的基础上经初步整理而成,精细化翻译工作正由ITIL先锋论坛组织的ITIL专家团队进行之中,预计将于2020年年底之前全部完成。需要下载最终翻译版本请关注微信公众号:ITIL先锋论坛,或访问www.ITIL4hub.cn  or  www.ITILxf.com。

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