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OCM 实践的目的是确保组织中的更改得以顺利,成功地实施,并通过管理更改的人为因素来获得持久的利益。




OCM的目标是在组织上实现构建驱动的价值驱动的环境,并成功完成所需范围的组织更改。根据组织机构愿景和需求,所有利益相关者都应采用新的工作方式,并最大程度地降低任何变更对服务/ products的质量和消费者体验的风险和可能的负面影响。


●        实践已集成到价值流中,并确保更改有效,安全并满足利益相关者的期望。
●        实践并非旨在将组织中计划和执行的所有变更统一为一个整体:这是不可能或不需要的。
●        对于定义的范围中的所有更改,实践应该集中精力平衡效果,敏捷性,合规性和风险控制。

2.2        术语和概念        
2.2.1        变更,转型,发展




2.2.2        情感,社交和系统智能
当人们参与到情境中时,复杂程度会增加,准备好应对不可预测和未知的情境非常重要。即使OCM 实践涉及变更的人员方面,还是建议使用变更使能实践提供的概念和工具。在此可以找到有关基于复杂性的变更方法的更多信息。




系统智能是理解,反思,表达并将人类交互的系统的更广泛的背景纳入行动的能力。它结合了有关环境的灵敏度和系统的思考.关于ITIL 指导原则,它基于自适应复杂系统背景中通盘思考和工作的功能,同时侧重于价值。能力可以将自己视为系统的一部分,识别系统的特征,了解系统的规则和模式,并能够自觉地为系统开发做出贡献。

Key message
The purpose of the OCM practice is to ensure that changes in an organization are implemented smoothly and successfully, and that lasting benefits are achieved by managing the human aspects of the changes.
OCM is a practice that serves the continually emerging wish and need for organizational growth, improvement, and evolution.

To improve product and service portfolio, organizational structure or underlying technology, people are essential for the transformation to be successful. Organizational evolution enables a change in their capabilities, the way they work, feel, and behave. These changes should not be forced upon people but should lead to a new valuable system, so people could willingly adopt new ways of behaviour and work.

Key message
People are responsible for changes in behaviour as a response to changed circumstances (i.e. Changes to the system in which we work).

OCM aims to build a value-driven environment across the organization and enable successful organizational changes of a required scope. According to the organizational vision and need, all stakeholders should adopt new ways of working, as well as minimize risks and possible negative impacts of any change to the quality of service/products and consumer experience.

This is achieved by recognizing and understanding stakeholders’ expectations and values, having the vision, cocreating plans and actions, communicating effectively, empowering employees, and anchoring a new cultural approach.

OCM contributes to every part of the service value system (SVS). It incorporates three premises:
●        The practice is integrated into value streams and ensures that changes are effective, safe, and meet stakeholders’ expectations.
●        The practice does not aim to unify all the changes planned and carried out in an organization into one big picture: this is neither possible or required.
●        The practice should focus on balancing effectiveness, agility, compliance, and risk control for all changes in the defined scope.

2.2        TERMS AND CONCEPTS        
2.2.1        Change, transformation, evolution

There is an important distinction between organizational change and transformation. Before any organizational change is executed, stakeholders should consider the actions mentioned, as it will change the attitude and may impact the result.

Defining an initiative as a change or a transformation, helps to select appropriate methods for its management. It is also important to identify whether a specific change contributes to the organization’s evolution.

To understand the evolutionary context and every change or transformation contribution to the organization’s development, a high level of system intelligence from the stakeholders is required. System intelligence enables organizations to move from personal growth to team growth and from managed groups to creative and mature teams.

2.2.2        Emotional, social, and system intelligence
When people are involved in situations, the level of complexity increases, and it is important to be ready to deal with unpredictable and unknown circumstances. Even though the OCM practice is concerned with the people side of change, it is recommended to use the concepts and tools provided by the change enablement practice. More information about complexity-based approach to changes can be found there.

Dealing with changes related to people requires a high level of presence, consciousness, self-leadership, and responsibility from all stakeholders. Through the whole organizational change lifecycle, it is important to focus on all three dimensions: individuals involved in change, relationships between them, and systems in general.

To create flexible, resilient, and fulfilled individuals, teams, and systems, organizations should aim to support the development of three forms of intelligence1:
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to access, express, and use one’s emotions in an efficient way. It describes having emotional self-awareness and the capacity to manage feelings by directing them toward goals. It also ensures the ability to self-motivate, suppress impulsive actions, and delay immediate satisfaction in order to achieve the goals.

Social intelligence builds on emotional intelligence. It is the capability to identify emotions of other people by not making assumptions, being empathetic, and open to co-creative actions and new ways of working in order to achieve common goals and build positive relationships. It also includes knowing and using social roles and rules, effective listening, and conversational skills.

Systems intelligence is the ability to understand, reflect upon, express, and incorporate the wider context of the system(s) a human interacts within into actions. It combines sensitivity about the environment with system thinking. In regards to the ITIL guiding principles, it is based on the ability to think and work holistically, while focusing on value, in the context of adaptive complex systems. It is the capability to see oneself as a part of a system, identify system characteristics, be aware of system rules and patterns, and be able to contribute to a system development consciously.

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Practice_Organizational change management 组织变更管理实践ITIL 4中文版【初译】.pdf

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