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2.2        术语和概念





“ 服务目录”一词通常是指对服务和服务产品的定制视图。在服务目录实践的背景,也可以用于服务数据的集合,用作所有服务目录视图的单一来源。这可以作为集中式数据库或组织的不同团队管理的多个数据库进行管理。该实践确保数据的集成和服务的质量相关信息有效。这包括确保服务信息是正确的,最新的并且可供相关的利益相关者使用。要使多个价值流具有紧密的集成和背景中的其他实践,需要这样做。


2.3        范围

        定义适当的服务描述结构,以使服务目录具有良好的结构并满足利益相关者的需求的要求,包括商定的强制属性和关系
        捕获服务信息并保持最新,确保服务目录中的数据的质量
        为利益相关者群体定义服务目录的不同量身定制的视图,并在达成协议后实施服务目录结构的视图和更改
        发布服务目录并为不同的利益相关者管理不同的视图

The service catalogue management practice ensures that all stakeholders refer to a single,
consistent source of information about services and service offerings. It also helps to provide all stakeholders with relevant views on services and service offerings, matching their needs and level of access.
There are many internal and external stakeholders who have access to and use various views of services and service offerings in their work. These include users, current and potential customers, product teams, support teams, supplier managers, relationship managers, and others. Their service catalogue views are different in scope and structure and include information from different additional sources. For example, internal teams may need technical details on services, the structure of support teams, lists of users, and other information that is neither required nor allowed to be included in a user-facing service catalogue.

The service catalogue management practice ensures a single source of service and service offering information for all groups and supports effective information exchange with other sources, in conjunction with other practices including service configuration management, service financial management, relationship management, supplier management, service request management, and others.

The service catalogue management practice covers all services managed by an organization, including internal, external, provided, and consumed. For example, a supplier manager’s view may include the third-party services that are consumed by the organization, as well as the organization’s services that are dependant on them.


Organization’s resources can be configured into a product to offer value for a consumer or
consumer group.

A product is not always fully visible to the consumer and is not exclusive to one consumer group as
it can be used to address the needs of several different groups. For example, a software service can be offered as a simpler version for individual users, or as a more comprehensive corporate version. Products can exist regardless of the consumer.

The services that an organization provides are based on one or more of its products. A service
occurs during an interaction with a consumer, which becomes a service relationship. In order to start this relationship, an organization must present a service offering to a potential customer and a service agreement should be signed.

The visible part of a product is described in one or more service offerings addressing the needs of
potential service consumers. Service offerings are often presented in a service catalogue for potential customers. For existing customers, a service catalogue provides a view on the services being consumed and agreements associated with them. These views are based on the stakeholder’s role within the customer organization.

The ‘service catalogue’ term usually refers to a tailored view on services and service offerings. In
the context of the service catalogue practice, it can also be used for a collection of service data used as a single source of all service catalogue views. This may be managed as a centralized database or as multiple databases that are managed by different teams of the organization. This practice ensures effective integration of the data and quality of service-related information. This includes ensuring that the service information is correct, up to date, and available to relevant stakeholders. A close integration with other practices in the context of multiple value streams is needed to make it possible.

Request catalogues are addressed to users and can also be used by the service provider’s teams
when they are interacting with users. As part of the service catalogue practice, request catalogues are maintained in a correct and up-to-date condition.

2.3        SCOPE
The scope of the service catalogue management practice includes:

        defining the appropriate service description structure for the service catalogue to be well- structured and meeting the needs of stakeholders, including the agreed mandatory attributes and relationships
        capturing the service information and keeping it up to date, ensuring the quality of data in the service catalogue
        defining the different tailored views of the service catalogue for the relevant groups of stakeholders and, once agreed, implementing the views and changes to the service catalogue structure
        publishing the service catalogue and managing different views for different stakeholders
There are several activities and areas of responsibility that are not included in the service catalogue management practice, although they are still closely related to service catalogue management. These are listed in Table 2.1, along with references to the practices in which they can be found. It is important to remember that ITIL practices are merely collections of tools to use in the context of value streams; they should be combined as necessary, depending on the situation.

本文档由长河(微信achotsao)在机译的基础上经初步整理而成,精细化翻译工作正由ITIL先锋论坛组织的ITIL专家团队进行之中,预计将于2020年年底之前全部完成。需要下载最终翻译版本请关注微信公众号:ITIL先锋论坛,或访问www.ITIL4hub.cn  or  www.ITILxf.com。

ITIL先锋论坛专家团队仅仅只是进行了这些著作的语种转换工作,我们并不拥有包括原著以及中文发行文件的任何版权,所有版权均为Axoles持有,读者在使用这些文件(含中文翻译版本)时需完全遵守Axoles 和 TSO所申明的所有版权要求。

Practice_Service catalogue management 服务目录管理ITIL4中文版【初译】.pdf

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