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● 组织的策略及其当前的性能或绩效
● 组织的当前架构,优点和限制
● 主要痛点及其对架构的映射
● 组织的产品组合和持续的发展
● 环境因素和趋势
● 技术趋势,风险和机遇
● 其他相关趋势和因素。
● 可扩展性
● 成本-效果
● 与其他组织的兼容性
● 合规性符合规定
● 敏捷
● 可持续性
● 安全。
2.5 关键指标
表2.2 实践成功因素的关键指标示例
实践成功因素 关键指标
确保组织的架构不断发展到目标状态 实施的变更数量和影响未遵循议定的目标架构
Ensuring that the organization's strategy is supported with a target architecture
The organization’s architecture should be optimized to achieve and support its strategy. This will require a target architecture model.
To develop an effective and realistic target architecture, architects need to understand the following:
● the organization’s strategy and its current performance
● the organization’s current architecture, benefits, and constraints
● major pain points and its mapping to the architecture
● the organization’s portfolios and ongoing developments
● environmental factors and trends
● technology trends, risks, and opportunities
● other relevant trends and factors.
Analysing these areas will lead to an understanding of the current and desired state of the organization from the architecture perspective. Current and target architecture models can be developed based on this. The effectiveness of the architecture can be expressed in some of the following characteristics, depending on the organization’s strategy:
● scalability
● cost-effectiveness
● compatibility with other organizations
● compliance to regulations
● agility
● sustainability
● security.
This is not a definitive list; other objectives can be created to ensure that the architecture is effective.
As the strategies of organizations are likely to continually evolve, architecture modelling should not be an isolated exercise. The current architecture model should be updated as the components change, and the target architecture model should be reviewed as the strategy changes. These updates initiate a review of an architecture road map (see 2.4.2).
Architecture analysis and target architecture planning are performed in close conjunction with other practices (see 2.3 for a list of these practices). It is important to ensure that the architecture models are correct, realistic, and that the understanding of the current and target architectures is shared among stakeholders. Realistic architecture planning is based on a good understanding of the current architecture, including legacy systems, constraints, vital business functions and behaviour patterns, adopted by internal and external stakeholders. It is also important to take other requirements and constraints into account, such as budgets, legislation, and so on. Finally, good knowledge of the technology landscape, including emerging technologies and industry trends, is important.
As well as a description of the target architecture, the road map should include recommendations and requirements for: taxonomy, standards, guidelines, procedures, templates and tools, which are to be used in architecturally important initiatives, such as product and service design, changes, projects, and so on. This includes integrating the recommended architecture controls into the relevant practices and value streams, to ensure that the activities of the organization adhere to the agreed development direction.
Ensuring that the organization's architecture is continually evolving to the target state
To ensure that an organization is evolving to the target architecture, an architecture road map is created. The road map is a collection of initiatives designed to change from the current architecture to the target architecture. Where appropriate, these initiatives can be managed as programmes or projects. Realizing the architectural changes involves several stakeholders and practices, depending on the nature of the changes. The architecture management practice ensures that the implemented changes follow the agreed road map and support the organization’s evolution to its target architecture.
Another important aspect of the architecture management practice activities is to ensure that the changes made to the organization’s resources, products, and services support the architecture’s evolution, by following the recommended architectural taxonomy, standards, guidelines, procedures, templates, and tools. They also should not contradict the architecture’s requirements and principles. This implies that the architecture management practice is involved in every service value stream that includes the introduction of new components, new third-party services, or other changes that affect the architecture.
The effectiveness and performance of the ITIL practices should be assessed within the context of the value streams to which each practice contributes. As with the performance of any tool, the practice’s performance can only be assessed within the context of its application. However, tools can differ greatly in design and quality, and these differences define a tool’s potential or capability to be effective when used according to its purpose. Further guidance on metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and other techniques that can help with this can be found in the measurement and reporting practice guide.
Key metrics for the architecture management practice are mapped to its PSFs. They can be used as KPIs in the context of value streams to assess the contribution of the practice to the effectiveness and efficiency of those value streams. Some examples of key metrics are given in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2 Example of key metrics for the practice success factors
Practice success factors Key metrics
Ensuring that the organization's strategy is supported with a target architecture
Fulfilment of the agreed requirements for the target architecture
Number and impact of architectural constraints limiting realization of the organization’s strategy
Number and impact of strategic decisions not supported by the architecture
Completeness and quality of the target architecture, based on internal and independent assessments
Duration and impact of delays between the strategy update andthe alignment of the target architecture
Ensuring that the organization's architecture is continually evolving to the target state The number and impact of changes implemented that did not follow the agreed target architecture
Number and impact of architecturally significant changes that have not been assessed for conformance to the agreed architecture
Progress in fulfilling the architecture road map
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